Facebook přidává podporu Apple TV a Chromecastu

vydáno 24. 10. 2016 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Ze světa | 10559 komentářů

Tagy: Apple TV, Chromecast, Facebook, Google Cast, kompatibilita, přehrávání, video

Facebook ohledně svého zaměření na video rozhodně nežertuje. Reputaci pokaženou v této oblasti nafukováním čísel uživatelů (z čehož neměli radost zejména inzerenti) žehlí přidáním podpory Apple TV a Chromecastu.

Představitelé sociální sítě oznámili, že sledování videí z Facebooku nyní bude možné na velké obrazovce. Uživatelé totiž nově mohou „přenášet“ video z iOS zařízení nebo webového prohlížeče na Apple TV nebo jakékoliv jiné zařízení s podporou AirPlay, případně na Chromecast a zařízení s podporou Google Cast.

Brzy bude možné přehrávat video na Chromecast i ze zařízení s Androidem. Konkrétní datum podpory androidových mobilů a tabletů však Facebook zatím neoznámil.

Video se pomalu stává jednou z hlavních součástí aktivity uživatelů sociální sítě. Kromě relativně nové služby Facebook Live patří do této oblasti také předem nahraná videa sdílená uživateli. Podle lidí z Facebooku bude zeď s novinkami do pěti let složená prakticky jen z videa. Lidé ovšem chtějí sledovat video (ale nikoliv číst zprávy) na velké obrazovce. Přenos na populární zařízení typu Apple TV nebo Chromecast je tedy kompromisem: uživatelé stále mohou kontrolovat Facebook na mobilních zařízeních, ale odesílat obsah, kdykoliv je to potřeba, do televize.

Zdroj: Techhive.com

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Im impressed, I have to admit. Truly rarely should i encounter a blog thats both educative and entertaining, and let me tell you,you might have hit the nail around that the head.Your notion is outstanding the thing is an issue that there have been not enough consumers havebeen speaking intelligently about. I am very happy ifound this in my look for something in regards to this.


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Ciao Dream,ti chiedo cortesemente un consiglio, in quanto ho intenzione di iniziare un PAC e vorrei farlo con una certa sicurezza.Osservando la situazione attuale, con la probabile inondazione di nuovi soldi sul mercato e con le prospettive economiche future, mi consiglieresti di farlo con un etf “inflation linked”?Potrebbe, in sostanza, coniugare una certa sicurezza con un certo rendimento ?Grazie !E grazie anche a chi volesse darmi la sua opinione.


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Ciao Dream,ti chiedo cortesemente un consiglio, in quanto ho intenzione di iniziare un PAC e vorrei farlo con una certa sicurezza.Osservando la situazione attuale, con la probabile inondazione di nuovi soldi sul mercato e con le prospettive economiche future, mi consiglieresti di farlo con un etf “inflation linked”?Potrebbe, in sostanza, coniugare una certa sicurezza con un certo rendimento ?Grazie !E grazie anche a chi volesse darmi la sua opinione.


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da pintje had ik wel gepakt trouwens, maar thelpt nie neig.Al was ik tegen Ronse wel vrij kalm Zo een kaarske langs het plein zou nog wel tof zijn


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da pintje had ik wel gepakt trouwens, maar thelpt nie neig.Al was ik tegen Ronse wel vrij kalm Zo een kaarske langs het plein zou nog wel tof zijn


Vložil affordable car insurance San Ramon CA (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 4:45

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bravo!! wonderful post. filled with the wisdom that has come with all the circumstances of our lives. If I could have only read this years ago, what a difference in all my struggling and guilt. I think, as women, we easily become the role that is handed to us, or that we unwittingly choose. The titles, wife, mother, taxi driver describe a function we may have, but it does not define us. We are wonderfully and beautifully created. This is an excellent post. Thank you for inspiring me DAF


Vložil affordable car insurance San Ramon CA (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 4:45

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bravo!! wonderful post. filled with the wisdom that has come with all the circumstances of our lives. If I could have only read this years ago, what a difference in all my struggling and guilt. I think, as women, we easily become the role that is handed to us, or that we unwittingly choose. The titles, wife, mother, taxi driver describe a function we may have, but it does not define us. We are wonderfully and beautifully created. This is an excellent post. Thank you for inspiring me DAF


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King Junior Stewart (you too Botox): Please please tell me you guys are kidding, imagined elephant trunks and all. So I guess in the recent past, before toilet bowls interfered with nature, you guys stood up both to wee-wee and to doo-doo huh? No wonder dem white pipples kept their distance whenever you were near! Is that where the term shitting yourself came from, you guys always standing up? Cheers


Vložil cheap auto insurance quotes Piscataway NJ (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 7:03

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King Junior Stewart (you too Botox): Please please tell me you guys are kidding, imagined elephant trunks and all. So I guess in the recent past, before toilet bowls interfered with nature, you guys stood up both to wee-wee and to doo-doo huh? No wonder dem white pipples kept their distance whenever you were near! Is that where the term shitting yourself came from, you guys always standing up? Cheers


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It appears to me that this web site doesnt load up on a Motorola Droid. Are other folks getting the exact same problem? I enjoy this web site and dont want to have to skip it when Im gone from my computer.


Vložil cheap full coverage car insurance Addison IL (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 10:19

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I kill several brown recluse here in the house every year, and you know what “they” say about the number of spiders you DON’T see for every one that you DO see. It’s really no wonder I’m such a nervous wreck.


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I kill several brown recluse here in the house every year, and you know what “they” say about the number of spiders you DON’T see for every one that you DO see. It’s really no wonder I’m such a nervous wreck.


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To video tou Piano Lessons einai poly wraio kai poly asteio! Protimw vevaia ton 40lepto aytosxediasmo tou Moonloop (Transmission IV) apo to teliko. Apopseis…


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To video tou Piano Lessons einai poly wraio kai poly asteio! Protimw vevaia ton 40lepto aytosxediasmo tou Moonloop (Transmission IV) apo to teliko. Apopseis…


Vložil average car insurance rates in Waldorf MD (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 12:25

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« Perfide ! votre remarque vaut tout autant pour vous, avec en moins le fait que Greg ne se prend pas pour un messie…. »A lire l’histoire des commentaires sur ce blog, le commentateur/commentatrice qui sait tout et qui se prend le plus pour messie ecrit sous le nom de « sandgirl. » Du moins, c’est l’impression que l’on a.


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« Perfide ! votre remarque vaut tout autant pour vous, avec en moins le fait que Greg ne se prend pas pour un messie…. »A lire l’histoire des commentaires sur ce blog, le commentateur/commentatrice qui sait tout et qui se prend le plus pour messie ecrit sous le nom de « sandgirl. » Du moins, c’est l’impression que l’on a.


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Lo mas curioso del asunto es que he oido en las noticias que se han descolgado una serie de vecinos de Alcalá de Henares pidiendo que le den el nombre de una calle a este chico, Daniel.Si el mero hecho de morir por ser un inconsciente y jugartela de esa manera, es merito suficiente para tener una calle en tu pueblo me parece a mi que nos van a faltar pueblos y calles.


Vložil list of auto insurances in Plattsburgh NY (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 12:53

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Lo mas curioso del asunto es que he oido en las noticias que se han descolgado una serie de vecinos de Alcalá de Henares pidiendo que le den el nombre de una calle a este chico, Daniel.Si el mero hecho de morir por ser un inconsciente y jugartela de esa manera, es merito suficiente para tener una calle en tu pueblo me parece a mi que nos van a faltar pueblos y calles.


Vložil http://autoversicherungtech.top/index.html (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 14:20

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Dejligt at høre fra dig igen, Anne:)Og forøvrigt talt lige ud af min mund!…Hérhjemme hos os har vi desuden talt om, hvordan det kan være nødvendigt at ALLE de største tv-værter skal være derovre for at dække valget…fra bÃ¥de DR1 og TV2!!…


Vložil http://autoversicherungtech.top/index.html (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 14:20

Obrázek uživatele http://autoversicherungtech.top/index.html

Dejligt at høre fra dig igen, Anne:)Og forøvrigt talt lige ud af min mund!…Hérhjemme hos os har vi desuden talt om, hvordan det kan være nødvendigt at ALLE de største tv-værter skal være derovre for at dække valget…fra bÃ¥de DR1 og TV2!!…


Vložil cheap full coverage car insurance Manchester NH (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 16:14

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Can I have your permission to translate this into Dutch? This will go down very well in the Netherlands. Of course, you will be listed as the original author and a link and recommendation to your site as well.


Vložil cheap full coverage car insurance Manchester NH (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 16:15

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Can I have your permission to translate this into Dutch? This will go down very well in the Netherlands. Of course, you will be listed as the original author and a link and recommendation to your site as well.


Vložil free car insurance quotes Greenville TX (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 18:02

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I quietly wondered how long it would take Arthur to jump on the Charlie Sheen Crazy train. Remember when he referred to Angelina from the Jersey Shore as “his girl”.Arthur has jumped the Shark!


Vložil free car insurance quotes Greenville TX (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 18:02

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I quietly wondered how long it would take Arthur to jump on the Charlie Sheen Crazy train. Remember when he referred to Angelina from the Jersey Shore as “his girl”.Arthur has jumped the Shark!


Vložil car insurance Palos Hills IL (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 19:09

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Awesome list. Live my life by these now that I’m older (and wiser). Learned the hard way. Wish I had the list when I was younger.The only one I would change slightly would be “32. Learn how to sell effectively.”… I would say “Learn how to negotiate effectively”. Everything in life is a negotiation. Thanx.TJ


Vložil car insurance Palos Hills IL (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 19:09

Obrázek uživatele car insurance Palos Hills IL

Awesome list. Live my life by these now that I’m older (and wiser). Learned the hard way. Wish I had the list when I was younger.The only one I would change slightly would be “32. Learn how to sell effectively.”… I would say “Learn how to negotiate effectively”. Everything in life is a negotiation. Thanx.TJ


Vložil cheap car insurance quotes Pflugerville TX (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 19:16

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Such a beautifully expressed post, Honour. I really studied the photos of the gifts you received because they told me more about you, and also of the people with whom you shared your work these past years. The honour gift is truly a special thing…


Vložil cheap car insurance quotes Pflugerville TX (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 19:16

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Such a beautifully expressed post, Honour. I really studied the photos of the gifts you received because they told me more about you, and also of the people with whom you shared your work these past years. The honour gift is truly a special thing…


Vložil best auto insurance in Methuen MA (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 20:41

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I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way… so many sleepless nights worrying about something that never even happens… I’d have so much more free time looking back if I just hadn’t worried about EVERYTHING! Thanks so much Leila for this wisdom!


Vložil best auto insurance in Methuen MA (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 20:41

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I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way… so many sleepless nights worrying about something that never even happens… I’d have so much more free time looking back if I just hadn’t worried about EVERYTHING! Thanks so much Leila for this wisdom!


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Alice TX (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 20:52

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I can write better than the average person (not that that is saying much these days) and I have strong opinions on various subjects. I don’t have experience as a journalist or technical writer, but what does a person need to start blogging and who pays, if the blogger gets picked up as a writer?.


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Alice TX (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 20:53

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I can write better than the average person (not that that is saying much these days) and I have strong opinions on various subjects. I don’t have experience as a journalist or technical writer, but what does a person need to start blogging and who pays, if the blogger gets picked up as a writer?.


Vložil cheapest auto insurance Fenton MI (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 23:46

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Well put Erin! I have to agree – so many women put extra pressure on themselves to become a super-hero.Which is silly. They already are the moment they become mothers.(and everyone knows, all super-heros have helpers!)


Vložil cheapest auto insurance Fenton MI (bez ověření), 29. Duben 2018 - 23:46

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Well put Erin! I have to agree – so many women put extra pressure on themselves to become a super-hero.Which is silly. They already are the moment they become mothers.(and everyone knows, all super-heros have helpers!)


Vložil cheapest car insurance Waxhaw NC (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 0:26

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Even when you take a photo of something simple like some cherry tomatoes, they come out looking magical and special! Love ya big guy :-)


Vložil cheapest car insurance Waxhaw NC (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 0:26

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Even when you take a photo of something simple like some cherry tomatoes, they come out looking magical and special! Love ya big guy :-)


Vložil cheap non owners insurance Lake City FL (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 3:26

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What a beutiful view! You are wise to make that trek Nathalie! I like your new profile photo as well. I want to visit you and see your lovely countryside. Maybe one day.......!V


Vložil cheap non owners insurance Lake City FL (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 3:26

Obrázek uživatele cheap non owners insurance Lake City FL

What a beutiful view! You are wise to make that trek Nathalie! I like your new profile photo as well. I want to visit you and see your lovely countryside. Maybe one day.......!V


Vložil car insurance quotes Clemmons NC (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 4:05

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La vidéo est super ! Moi j’ai un fer à boucler mais j’ai rarement le courage et la patience de me faire des boucles partout, ça me prend à chaque fois plus d’une heure !


Vložil car insurance quotes Clemmons NC (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 4:05

Obrázek uživatele car insurance quotes Clemmons NC

La vidéo est super ! Moi j’ai un fer à boucler mais j’ai rarement le courage et la patience de me faire des boucles partout, ça me prend à chaque fois plus d’une heure !


Vložil auto insurance quotes Grand Rapids MI (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 4:12

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I do like the way you have framed this particular difficulty plus it really does present us a lot of fodder for consideration. On the other hand, coming from what precisely I have witnessed, I just wish as the actual reviews pack on that individuals continue to be on point and in no way get started on a tirade associated with some other news du jour. Yet, thank you for this fantastic piece and although I do not really concur with the idea in totality, I regard the standpoint.


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I do like the way you have framed this particular difficulty plus it really does present us a lot of fodder for consideration. On the other hand, coming from what precisely I have witnessed, I just wish as the actual reviews pack on that individuals continue to be on point and in no way get started on a tirade associated with some other news du jour. Yet, thank you for this fantastic piece and although I do not really concur with the idea in totality, I regard the standpoint.


Vložil low income auto insurance Albemarle NC (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 5:22

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That's exactly why I don't shop at American apperal or hollister or other places that make so much money solely on mark up and „exclusivity“. But, as a whole the chive is a better company and the communitie here is better and more generious than anywhere around so I guess it balances out. I just hope that eventually enough ad space and cash grabbing is enough and they don't ruin the magic they've built here.


Vložil low income auto insurance Albemarle NC (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 5:22

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That's exactly why I don't shop at American apperal or hollister or other places that make so much money solely on mark up and „exclusivity“. But, as a whole the chive is a better company and the communitie here is better and more generious than anywhere around so I guess it balances out. I just hope that eventually enough ad space and cash grabbing is enough and they don't ruin the magic they've built here.


Vložil no down payment auto insurance in Massapequa NY (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 5:26

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Vložil no down payment auto insurance in Massapequa NY (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 5:26

Obrázek uživatele no down payment auto insurance in Massapequa NY

Tapez votre commentaire Vous pouvez utiliser ces mots-clés HTML : <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> M’avertir lorsqu’une réponse est postée par E-mail


Vložil car insurance Taylor MI (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 6:07

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Vladimir eu zic ca sunt multe fete :)) totusi ce ar fi putut fi … :))Mihaela da, sunt de la nunta :)Nickro sunt din camera, doar cea cu femeia acoperita e post-procesareLarisa, Aa: nu ati ratat nunta, urmeaza … dar cele 2 poze sunt de la acea nunta


Vložil car insurance Taylor MI (bez ověření), 30. Duben 2018 - 6:07

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Vladimir eu zic ca sunt multe fete :)) totusi ce ar fi putut fi … :))Mihaela da, sunt de la nunta :)Nickro sunt din camera, doar cea cu femeia acoperita e post-procesareLarisa, Aa: nu ati ratat nunta, urmeaza … dar cele 2 poze sunt de la acea nunta