Spotify ruší integraci s některými staršími audio zařízeními

vydáno 12. 3. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Hi-Fi audio | 10647 komentářů

Tagy: aplikace, audio, kompatibilita, spotify, Spotify Connect, streaming

Máte předplacenou streamovací službu Spotify a zároveň jste vlastníky staršího Hi-Fi nebo AV produktu, kde je tato služba integrována? Pak byste měli zpozornět.

Společnost Spotify v loňském roce oznámila, že několik starších Hi-Fi a AV produktů přijde o integraci se Spotify Connect z důvodu aktualizace její backendové platformy. Podle portálu The Verge ten čas nastal právě teď.

Novinka znamená, že vlastníci daných produktů již nebudou moci streamovat hudbu z katalogu Spotify přímo a bez použití smartphonu. Má jít o zařízení od společností Denon, Marantz, Onkyo, Yamaha, B&O, Pioneer a Philips.

Portál What Hi-Fi? mezi těmito produkty uvádí zařízení B&O BeoSound 5, Denon AVR-X4000, Marantz M-CR610 a Yamaha RX-V675. Kompletní seznam naleznete zde.

Zástupci Spotify portálu The Verge řekli, že „v některých případech mohou výrobci aktualizovat svůj firmware tak, aby byl kompatibilní s novou platformou“. Portál What Hi-Fi? pak kontaktoval několik výše uvedených výrobců, aby zjistil, kterých produktů se to týká.

Yamaha potvrdila, že update poskytne pro následující modely: RX-V475, RX-V575, RX-V675, RX-V775, RX-A730, RX-A830, RX-A1030, RX-A2030, RX-A3030, RX-S600, CX-A5000, HTR-4066, HTR-5066, HTR-6066, HTR-7066, RX-V1075, RX-V2075, RX-V3075, RX-V500D, TSR-6750, RX-V477, RX-V577, RX-V677, RX-V777, RX-A740, RX-A840, RX-A1040, RX-A2040, RX-A3040, HTR-4067, HTR-5067, HTR-6067, RX-V1077, RX-V2077, RX-V3077, TSR-5770, R-N500, CD-N301, R-N301, CRX-N560 a CRX-N560D.

Aktualizace je v současnosti k dispozici i pro modely Denon RCD-N8, DRA-N5, AVR-X1000, AVR-X2000, AVR-X3000 a AVR-X4000, v březnu pak budou následovat AVR-1913, AVR-2113, AVR-2313 a AVR-4520.

Podobně nabízí už nyní update také Marantz (pro modely M-CR510, M-CR610, NA-11S1, NR1504, NR1604, SR5008, SR6008 a SR7008; v březnu pak pro AV7701, AV8801, NR1603, SR5007, SR6007 a SR7007.

Zdroj: What Hi-Fi?

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Kraftigt off-topic och med risk för att framstå anglicism-paranoid: För mej känns det mysigt att skilja på ”språklig” och ”lingvistisk” (=”språkvetenskaplig”).  Det som Hedvig „Dolph Lundgren“ Skirgård pratar om är huruvida unga damer går i bräschen för språklig förändring, inte lingvistisk. I min idiolekt då alltså.Signaturen ”Bitter och Reaktionär”


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KO – My fave pic is the first one! Taj looks just like Leslie used to when she would pass out on the couch from drinking too much-haha! I love his grin- too cute!March 16, 2012 – 2:20 am


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KO – My fave pic is the first one! Taj looks just like Leslie used to when she would pass out on the couch from drinking too much-haha! I love his grin- too cute!March 16, 2012 – 2:20 am


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Bonjour.Dans le troisième paragraphe de cet article, vous indiquez qu’un nanomètre correspond à un millième de millimètre. Si je ne m’abuse, un nanomètre correspond à un millionième de millimètre, soit un millième de micromètre (encore appelé micron).A corriger !Merci pour cet article.


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My condolences on a sh** morning. I haven’t had a morning like that in…well I honestly can’t even remember when. Probably some 14 years ago when my boys were still wee nippers!


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My condolences on a sh** morning. I haven’t had a morning like that in…well I honestly can’t even remember when. Probably some 14 years ago when my boys were still wee nippers!


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Hi there – FMV stands for “For My Vehicle”, because you can add the FMV mirror to almost any vehicle and get OnStar services! Hope this helps to answer your question!- Lisa


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Hi there – FMV stands for “For My Vehicle”, because you can add the FMV mirror to almost any vehicle and get OnStar services! Hope this helps to answer your question!- Lisa


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I have purchased a copy of this painting done in black and white and it almost looks like a photo. It is 7 3/8×9 1/2″ and is signed [initials] Mattson (I believe). Do you have any information on what this might be?


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Arse-gravy. Stop making me laugh!The BT/Internet thing explains why I couldn’t get your site to come up yesterday, or loads of other stuff like Wikipedia and Facebook.I wish my husbandy-thing would make me cups of tea. It’s always the other way round and he thinks he’s cute for asking.


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Hej.Jeg er en farmor der vil spørge om Sebastian tager ud og synger et par numre. Jeg har et barnebarn der skal konfirmeres til maj og jeg vil gerne overraske hende. Jeg kan huske hun var vild med Sebastian, sÃ¥ det kunne være sjovt hvis han gav et el. 3 numre om eftermiddagen. FÃ¥r jeg svar pÃ¥ e-mail vil jeg blive glad. I tilfælde af positivt svar ogsÃ¥ gerne en pris. Det er i HÃ¥rlev ved Køge. Mange hilsner fra Adi Jensen


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oh, gee, maybe I didn’t explain my “sun breathing” too well … here goes: I was watching for the sun to rise and saw just the slightest glint-of-it on the horizon, so that’s when I started sweeping my arms & taking deep breaths … and, from the start of the sun rising ’til it was finally fully full (fully full??), resting on the top of the mountain ridge, that took 24 long sweeping breaths … there, maybe I explained that a little better … ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz … nnnnnnnnnighty nighty


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Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, regards . “We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip little by little at a truth we find bitter.” by Denis Diderot.


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Interesting question Jim. Yes, gratitude could be a factor.But improving diet and nutrition is one of the best ways I know of improving attitude. Look at the example of the Appleton School project in Wisconsin.


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Interesting question Jim. Yes, gratitude could be a factor.But improving diet and nutrition is one of the best ways I know of improving attitude. Look at the example of the Appleton School project in Wisconsin.


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Интереная статья, я бы хотела, чтобы мой ребенок начал изучать английский еще до школы, ведь это так нужно в современной жизни!!!!


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Beauty lives inside…when you’re confident in yourself, when you look in the mirror and accept what you see, you know you’re beautiful outside, because you feel the beauty in you.


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This cider has a beautiful color, so it looks as delicious as I'm sure it tastes.Congrats, Mary, that is quite a honor; yes, it is well deserved as you are certainly one of my favorite blogs!


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A very, very happy birthday, Helene. Love carrot cake too, especially with chocolate ganache. Had been to Aparant the other day and found some lovely little baskets.


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A very, very happy birthday, Helene. Love carrot cake too, especially with chocolate ganache. Had been to Aparant the other day and found some lovely little baskets.


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Hello,We had snow here also in this part of WI – not as much as you did there (saw that Minneapolis had 10+ inches) but went out to clean off the car twice. It seems to be raining out now – looks icy. I am from Mankato so keep track of your area weather. :<) Wishing you a happy day today – drive carefully!Hugs,Barbara Diane


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why the FUCK is youtube removing music from roadrunner records when they own it???? they have the copyright and everything!!!!!! Youtube just became shittier. Now i cant even watch my fav music vids because they deleted it. What bullshit this is.


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mickeDet finns just nu massor av billiga bÃ¥tar. Ett mycket bra läge att skaffa sig en bra bÃ¥t – sÃ¥ länge man inte behöver sälja en gammal först …Jag har just nu tre bÃ¥tar och funderar pÃ¥ tvÃ¥ till. Men bÃ¥tplatser är mycket svÃ¥rt i Stockholm och jag har fÃ¥tt besked om 8 till 50 Ã¥rs kötid


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E eu Quase me arrisco a pensar(não a dizer)que o Cardeal J.Saraiva Martins,tem aqui um dedito neste Veto!!!Hummmm.....Então a Santissima Igreija iria se imiscuir deste assunto???


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I think this is what differentiates Taylor Swift from pretty much any other singer currently out there today. I don’t think that any other artist could have written/performed such a heartfelt, emotional, deeply tragic song and created such attention to such a worthy cause. I can’t say I love every song Swift sings, but after her actions regarding Ronan and childhood cancer, you will never hear me say another negative word about Swift again. Rock on, Ronan!


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I think this is what differentiates Taylor Swift from pretty much any other singer currently out there today. I don’t think that any other artist could have written/performed such a heartfelt, emotional, deeply tragic song and created such attention to such a worthy cause. I can’t say I love every song Swift sings, but after her actions regarding Ronan and childhood cancer, you will never hear me say another negative word about Swift again. Rock on, Ronan!


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 百さんの御主人はなにもおっしゃらないのですか?とっても良いご主人なのでしょうか。 でも、ここは演技でもいいのでご両親に「お姉ちゃんは当たり前のように預けにくるけど、私は主人に気を遣うし、赤ちゃんが生まれたら今度は主人がめんどうをみることが多くなってしまって申し訳ない。」とお話してみたらいかがでしょうか。 私だったら、自分の姉のことだと、主人に気を遣うだろうなと思います。主人も仕事で疲れて帰ってきているのに、2æ³児のけんかでわぁわぁきゃぁきゃぁでは、休まりません。自分も妊娠ä¸Âで仕事をしながらだったら、しわよせは主人にいきそうです。イライラしたり腹がたつのは、すでに百さんの健康が阻害されかけているというSOSのサインだと思います。ご両親にä¸Âに入ってもらって、託児所利用の日を増やして、週末はご両親がみるというãƒÂーテーションに変えてもらうように話し合われたほうが良いと思いますよ。