Epson EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 - nová řada videoprojektorů

vydáno 30. 10. 2009 | autor Epson | sekce Tiskové zprávy | téma Projektory | 9999 komentářů

Tagy: 1080p, 3LCD, 720p, Blu-ray, CLO, D7, DVD, EH-TW3500, EH-TW450, Epson, Full HD, HD Ready, HDMI, IFA 2009, Pixelworks scaler, projektor, RGB, S-Video, USB

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Milovníci sportu mohou sledovat přenosy na velké obrazovce ve špičkové kvalitě díky nové řadě videoprojektorů Epson se snadným ovládáním a vysokým rozlišením obrazu.

Společnost Epson, světová špička na trhu s videoprojektory, představuje dva nové videoprojektory s vysokým rozlišením, které jsou ideální pro milovníky sportovních přenosů po celém světě.

Modely EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 jsou cenově dostupné, snadno ovladatelné a nabízejí fantastickou kvalitu obrazu, dokonce i za denního světla, což znamená, že si můžete dramatičnost sportovních utkání užívat na velké projekční ploše z pohodlí vlastního domova.

Alexandre Di Caro, produktový manažer společnosti Epson Europe, k tomu dodává:

„Nová řada videoprojektorů společnosti Epson je ideálním řešením pro milovníky sportovních přenosů. Obraz ve špičkové kvalitě vám zprostředkuje takový zážitek, jako byste byli přímo na stadionu nebo na hřišti. Co může být krásnějším zážitkem, než sezvat přátele a společně s napětím sledovat příští sezonu Světového poháru na velké obrazovce?“

Projektory EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 přesně reprodukují obraz, který je jasný i za denního světla, a vstupy HDMI zajišťují přímou připojitelnost celé řady zařízení, včetně televizních set-top boxů s vysokým rozlišením – to vše za obzvláště atraktivní cenu.

HD Ready projektor Epson EH-TW450

Videoprojektor EH-TW450 s technologií HD Ready je kompaktním, stylovým a všestranným zařízením v atraktivním provedení – hladká, zaoblená černá skříň je vybavena funkcemi pro podporu kvality obrazu.

Videoprojektor EH-TW3500 pro domácí kino s plnou podporou technologie HD a vysokým rozlišením 1080p byl navržen tak, aby zprostředkovával neuvěřitelný zážitek z videoprojekce na obrovskou promítací plochu. Díky módnímu bílému a stříbrnému designu je vhodným doplňkem pro každou moderní domácnost.

Alexandre Di Caro dodává: „Tyto nové inteligentní videoprojektory nenabízí jen celou řadu zábavních aplikací pro velké zážitky z pohodlí domova, ale také kompaktní design, díky kterému se snadno přenáší z jednoho domu do druhého. Projektor EH-TW450 disponuje navíc dalším pohodlným doplňkem – měkkým přenosným pouzdrem.“

Když nebudete projektor používat ke sledování sportovních událostí, můžete snadno připojit přehrávač disků DVD nebo Blu-ray, špičkové herní konzoly nebo dokonce digitální fotoaparát, přičemž celá řada aplikací vám je k dispozici.

Modely EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 společnosti Epson jsou k dostání od října 2009 a byly představeny na veletrhu IFA 2009.

Full HD projektor Epson EH-TW3500

Epson EH-TW3500 – charakteristické vlastnosti

  • videoprojektor HD Ready 1080p (plně kompatibilní s technologií HD) se skutečným vysokým rozlišením 1080p
  • mimořádná kvalita obrazu s technologií Epson 3LCD (panel D7)
  • vysoký kontrastní poměr 36000:1
  • extrémně vysoký barevný světelný výstup (CLO) = 1800 lumenů
  • široký barevný prostor a úplné 10bitové zpracování videa (zařízení Pixelworks scaler)
  • široké možnosti připojení (snadné připojení k přehrávači DVD / Blu-ray, tuneru pro digitální TV, set-top boxu, herním konzolám, počítačům a digitálním fotoaparátům) se dvěma vstupy HDMI 1.3 (videozpracování signálu 1080p)
  • snadná a flexibilní instalace: pohodlné vodorovné a svislé posunutí objektivu, možnost připevnění na strop, široké rozmezí vzdáleností videoprojekce, dvojnásobný optický zoom x 2,1
  • tichý chod s hlučností 22 dB
  • stylový bílý a stříbrný design
  • tříletá záruka na videoprojektor a lampu
  • doporučená maloobchodní cena včetně DPH je 38130,– Kč (plus zdarma náhradní lampa), na trhu od října 2009.
HD Ready projektor Epson EH-TW450

Epson EH-TW450 – charakteristické vlastnosti

  • videoprojektor HD Ready s rozlišením 720p je ideálním řešením pro milovníky sportovních přenosů
  • technologie Epson 3LCD přinášející jasnější obraz, přesnější reprodukci barev a jemnější stupňování odstínů šedi
  • působivý barevný světelný výstup (CLO) 2500 lumenů umožňující videoprojekci i za denního světla
  • skvělý kontrastní poměr (3000:1) zajišťující vysokou kvalitu obrazu
  • možnost připojení řady vstupních zdrojů: HDMI, Video, S-Video a RGB, USB
  • barevné režimy, které se přizpůsobí okolním podmínkám
  • vestavěný reproduktor
  • užitečné funkce (automatická korekce lichoběžníku, rychlé spuštění, dálkový ovladač s jednoduchou obsluhou)
  • černý design
  • součástí balení přenosné pouzdro
  • tříletá záruka na videoprojektor a lampu
  • doporučená maloobchodní cena včetně DPH je 19053,– Kč, na trhu od října 2009
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Vložil cheap full coverage auto insurance Bellefontaine OH (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 6:18

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DO you mean misrepresentation of facts like the way NEI is deliberately misrepresenting the new SOARCA study? Or do you mean facts like how the NRC has to withdraw acredidation of WASH 1400? Was that fear-mongering when the NRC agreed that accidents could be even worse than the study? Get real!


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I watched the whole thing on youtube. It seemed to turn a bit acrimonious and awkward at times when Dawkins disagreed with panel members. Steven Fielding was an embarassment. Does he debate well in the senate? He certainly does not on TV.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)


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I watched the whole thing on youtube. It seemed to turn a bit acrimonious and awkward at times when Dawkins disagreed with panel members. Steven Fielding was an embarassment. Does he debate well in the senate? He certainly does not on TV.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)


Vložil average car insurance rates in Lafayette LA (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 10:54

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Ho visto che Pizzimenti è disponibile per serate. Sarebbe carina una sinergia fra voi due, di esperti italiani disponibili a fare divulgazione „nelle piazze“ ce ne son pochi…


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Ho visto che Pizzimenti è disponibile per serate. Sarebbe carina una sinergia fra voi due, di esperti italiani disponibili a fare divulgazione „nelle piazze“ ce ne son pochi…


Vložil car insurance in Hialeah FL (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 13:33

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I’ve always loved fairytales, especially the Disney kind. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite, until I watched Tangled. I agree, I learned the deep importance of not letting someone else manipulate me with their own selfish desires (ew, that sounds horrible), but it happens far too often, even from well meaning family members. I’m sure I’ve tried it with my husband a time or two. God asks us to be selfless – as hard as that is sometimes – and He wants us to look past other people when they are trying to stop us from following the dreams He has placed in our hearts.


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I’ve always loved fairytales, especially the Disney kind. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite, until I watched Tangled. I agree, I learned the deep importance of not letting someone else manipulate me with their own selfish desires (ew, that sounds horrible), but it happens far too often, even from well meaning family members. I’m sure I’ve tried it with my husband a time or two. God asks us to be selfless – as hard as that is sometimes – and He wants us to look past other people when they are trying to stop us from following the dreams He has placed in our hearts.


Vložil auto insurance Charleston WV (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 14:55

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I just wanted to tell you how much my spouse and i appreciate anything you’ve provided to help increase the value of the lives of folks in this theme. Through the articles, I have gone via just a newbie to a pro in the area. It is truly a homage to your work. Thanks


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„I get a piece of stone and chip away all the bits that aren't lion!“3) Re everything being material, I heard the story of a mother and teenage daughter having a fight. Teenager raged at her mother: „You did this, you've done that!“ Etc ad infinitum. In the end the exasperated mother sighed: „Oh for goodness' sake, just put it all in your first novel.“And no, I don't have a weekend off switch!


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„I get a piece of stone and chip away all the bits that aren't lion!“3) Re everything being material, I heard the story of a mother and teenage daughter having a fight. Teenager raged at her mother: „You did this, you've done that!“ Etc ad infinitum. In the end the exasperated mother sighed: „Oh for goodness' sake, just put it all in your first novel.“And no, I don't have a weekend off switch!


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disse:Ramir, enviei uma proposta pra refazer o site da Mectron. Vamos ver se eles respondem.A Avibrás sempre foi ruim de jogo, os caras da indústria de Defesa no Brasil não tem muita consciência de marketing.


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disse:Ramir, enviei uma proposta pra refazer o site da Mectron. Vamos ver se eles respondem.A Avibrás sempre foi ruim de jogo, os caras da indústria de Defesa no Brasil não tem muita consciência de marketing.


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I say tie for this one. There are subtle differences but they don’t necessarily grant either console victory. Also, the timing in some of the picture is slightly off, something that’s crucial for accurate comparison. I think we should wait for the performance analysis.VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 4 votes)


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I say tie for this one. There are subtle differences but they don’t necessarily grant either console victory. Also, the timing in some of the picture is slightly off, something that’s crucial for accurate comparison. I think we should wait for the performance analysis.VN:F [1.9.17_1161](from 4 votes)


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Twitter: How are you doing preggo? You have a beautiful family and you clearly have worked hard to make it that way. Happy birthday Joshy! God Bless![rq=2277,0,blog][/rq][]


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Twitter: How are you doing preggo? You have a beautiful family and you clearly have worked hard to make it that way. Happy birthday Joshy! God Bless![rq=2277,0,blog][/rq][]


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Paulo Porto,Ao que vai em azul: transformaram-vos invÃsivel, mas creio ao modo daquele outro homem por Chesterton, acertastes o alvo bem na testa, ou nas testas, sabe-se lá não tratar-se de uma legião!?Ao que vai em preto: vade retro, sedutor infame, a essas horas na ausência do marido viajante.


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Paulo Porto,Ao que vai em azul: transformaram-vos invÃsivel, mas creio ao modo daquele outro homem por Chesterton, acertastes o alvo bem na testa, ou nas testas, sabe-se lá não tratar-se de uma legião!?Ao que vai em preto: vade retro, sedutor infame, a essas horas na ausência do marido viajante.


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“Why do so many people lack this quality? Its frightening.”In the book, Thinking Fast and Slow, it pretty much outlines how people are stupid. Even educated people are stupid, and much of it has to do with laziness in their thought process. The case is the perfect example of how so many people are flat out stupid.


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“Why do so many people lack this quality? Its frightening.”In the book, Thinking Fast and Slow, it pretty much outlines how people are stupid. Even educated people are stupid, and much of it has to do with laziness in their thought process. The case is the perfect example of how so many people are flat out stupid.


Vložil auto insurance rates Idaho Falls ID (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 18:19

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Iggy is sooooo much worse than the hapless Dion it is now way beyond pathetic.Hi Joanne, been too busy lately, thought I better stop by.Have a good weekend everyone.


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Iggy is sooooo much worse than the hapless Dion it is now way beyond pathetic.Hi Joanne, been too busy lately, thought I better stop by.Have a good weekend everyone.


Vložil car insurance quotes Sanford NC (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 22:36

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Tell the TRUTH. Alan Greenspan is DAMAGED GOODS & made the 10 MOST WANTED when Wallstreet crashed.These muthafuckas were trying to push off that ignorant, dumb, white trash Sarah Palin on our country. and have the nerve to call Susan Rice, a RHODES-EFFING SCHOLAR as "not very bright.' John McShame needs a good ass whupping for this nonsense.


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Tell the TRUTH. Alan Greenspan is DAMAGED GOODS & made the 10 MOST WANTED when Wallstreet crashed.These muthafuckas were trying to push off that ignorant, dumb, white trash Sarah Palin on our country. and have the nerve to call Susan Rice, a RHODES-EFFING SCHOLAR as "not very bright.' John McShame needs a good ass whupping for this nonsense.


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Hey there! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa? My site covers a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you’re interested feel free to send me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Great blog by the way!


Vložil best auto insurance in Du Bois PA (bez ověření), 9. Červen 2018 - 22:52

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Nyt tuli aika jättää lukijapalautetta. Niin ymmärrettävää kuin fiilistely blogin suosiosta onkin, toivoisin „Kempparin“ brändäyksen ja muun metapuheen (blogista itsestään puhumisen) jäävän jatkossa vielä vähemmälle ja tekstien keskittyvän itse asiaan, mikä se sitten onkin, olkoon vaikka „INCI-hippeily“. Tämä on tietysti vain mun mielipide ja joku muu voi olla päinvastaista mieltä.Mutta joo, kiitti vaan kiinnostavasta blogista. Kyllä se seurannassa pysyy (parin sadan muun kanssa).


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Nyt tuli aika jättää lukijapalautetta. Niin ymmärrettävää kuin fiilistely blogin suosiosta onkin, toivoisin „Kempparin“ brändäyksen ja muun metapuheen (blogista itsestään puhumisen) jäävän jatkossa vielä vähemmälle ja tekstien keskittyvän itse asiaan, mikä se sitten onkin, olkoon vaikka „INCI-hippeily“. Tämä on tietysti vain mun mielipide ja joku muu voi olla päinvastaista mieltä.Mutta joo, kiitti vaan kiinnostavasta blogista. Kyllä se seurannassa pysyy (parin sadan muun kanssa).


Vložil auto insurance rates Poway CA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 0:19

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I have wanted to make spider pops this year too, but have not gotten around to it…yet:) Yours are adorable!Sue {munchkin munchies} recently posted..


Vložil auto insurance rates Poway CA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 0:19

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I have wanted to make spider pops this year too, but have not gotten around to it…yet:) Yours are adorable!Sue {munchkin munchies} recently posted..


Vložil auto insurance rates Monomoy Island MA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 0:30

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Tired of Being Youngest “lent” a spare MP3 player to the Norwegian Artist, who trolls through the library for downloads. What a happy man.It’s okay to listen to hymns — just not those dollar things. The Norwegian mentioned the other day that it might be best to budget those individual dollars into a more expensive, single CD with songs worth listening to.


Vložil auto insurance rates Monomoy Island MA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 0:30

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Tired of Being Youngest “lent” a spare MP3 player to the Norwegian Artist, who trolls through the library for downloads. What a happy man.It’s okay to listen to hymns — just not those dollar things. The Norwegian mentioned the other day that it might be best to budget those individual dollars into a more expensive, single CD with songs worth listening to.


Vložil no down payment car insurance in Wheeling IL (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 2:20

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Congratulations on having one of the most sophisticated blogs Ive come across in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from something simply because of how visually beautiful it is. Youve put together a great blog space –great graphics, videos, layout. This is definitely a must-see blog!


Vložil no down payment car insurance in Wheeling IL (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 2:20

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Congratulations on having one of the most sophisticated blogs Ive come across in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from something simply because of how visually beautiful it is. Youve put together a great blog space –great graphics, videos, layout. This is definitely a must-see blog!


Vložil us agency car insurance Palo Alto CA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 4:16

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Question: First off – Great Article. On #7– for that little highlighted block of text that is duplicate content, is it really that detrimental? I ask because I have a website with about 1300 blog articles for 7 different categories. We are considering automatically placing a short sentence in the footer to link back to the blog category landing page, ie: “To learn more about sleep problems and solutions visit our landing page.” Is this not beneficial?


Vložil us agency car insurance Palo Alto CA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 4:16

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Question: First off – Great Article. On #7– for that little highlighted block of text that is duplicate content, is it really that detrimental? I ask because I have a website with about 1300 blog articles for 7 different categories. We are considering automatically placing a short sentence in the footer to link back to the blog category landing page, ie: “To learn more about sleep problems and solutions visit our landing page.” Is this not beneficial?


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I think PSPCL should talk with the phone service provider of all the Successful candidate and scan the phone of all these candidate by the date of 15 July . if they do this, they may know that who have send that mss. Suggest if this idea may work.


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Tienes razón Enrique,El problema es que en la escuela nos nos enseñan esto. Asà que solamente unos cuantos son los que aprovechan estás leyes.Un saludo muy grande.Armando Proa recientemente posteado…[]Enriquegastelo Reply:junio 30th, 2011 at 22:15Sucede asi mi querido Armando Proa.En la escuela no enseñan muchas cosas importantes, por eso cada uno debe velar por su propia educacion financiera.Saludos para ti tambien[]


Vložil cheap full coverage car insurance Bardstown KY (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 4:58

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Tienes razón Enrique,El problema es que en la escuela nos nos enseñan esto. Asà que solamente unos cuantos son los que aprovechan estás leyes.Un saludo muy grande.Armando Proa recientemente posteado…[]Enriquegastelo Reply:junio 30th, 2011 at 22:15Sucede asi mi querido Armando Proa.En la escuela no enseñan muchas cosas importantes, por eso cada uno debe velar por su propia educacion financiera.Saludos para ti tambien[]


Vložil affordable car insurance Fort Lee NJ (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 5:18

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Hola Carlos!!!!Qué alegrÃa volver a estar aquà de nuevo leyéndote Carlos!!Poeta eres hables de lo que hables, tu poesÃa siempre está llena de sentimiento y eso lo transmites en cada verso.Las modas van y vienen, independientemente de nosotros, no es necesario seguirlas si no dejarÃamos de ser nosotros mismos para convertirnos en unas ” fashion victims”.Un beso, amigo mÃo!!


Vložil affordable car insurance Fort Lee NJ (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 5:18

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Hola Carlos!!!!Qué alegrÃa volver a estar aquà de nuevo leyéndote Carlos!!Poeta eres hables de lo que hables, tu poesÃa siempre está llena de sentimiento y eso lo transmites en cada verso.Las modas van y vienen, independientemente de nosotros, no es necesario seguirlas si no dejarÃamos de ser nosotros mismos para convertirnos en unas ” fashion victims”.Un beso, amigo mÃo!!


Vložil full coverage car insurance Brockton MA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 6:45

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I love anything about you, from your very relaxed and humble attitude to the minimalistic chich style you have in everything.Also, very interesting music choice, as always. I'd love to read a post about your favourite musicians =)


Vložil full coverage car insurance Brockton MA (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 6:45

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I love anything about you, from your very relaxed and humble attitude to the minimalistic chich style you have in everything.Also, very interesting music choice, as always. I'd love to read a post about your favourite musicians =)


Vložil cheapest car insurance in Gaithersburg MD (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 8:21

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Ta dharlink! Funny thing is that Kraken Junior has leaned towards pink as much as we try to change that so I guess genetics are involved somehow. It’s frigging killing me. And it’s the same with bringing up a baby. I don’t think I will ever get over it and I reserve the right to foam and froth until Kraken Junior herself shoves me into a home to shit my days away. That’d be any time now I reckon.


Vložil cheapest car insurance in Gaithersburg MD (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 8:21

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Ta dharlink! Funny thing is that Kraken Junior has leaned towards pink as much as we try to change that so I guess genetics are involved somehow. It’s frigging killing me. And it’s the same with bringing up a baby. I don’t think I will ever get over it and I reserve the right to foam and froth until Kraken Junior herself shoves me into a home to shit my days away. That’d be any time now I reckon.


Vložil best car insurance in White Plains NY (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 8:27

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I saw you at the Ogden’s Veteran’s home and instantly fell in love with your vision. I am a stay at home mom with a masters in literature and composition who is looking for ways to use my creativity. Would you allow me to support your cause with my editing and composition skills? I was inspired by your pamphlet and have tons of ideas that I feel could help express your love and beautiful intentions more exuberantly!Please know I appreciate all you do and would love to help.Thanks,nicole dennis


Vložil best car insurance in White Plains NY (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 8:27

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I saw you at the Ogden’s Veteran’s home and instantly fell in love with your vision. I am a stay at home mom with a masters in literature and composition who is looking for ways to use my creativity. Would you allow me to support your cause with my editing and composition skills? I was inspired by your pamphlet and have tons of ideas that I feel could help express your love and beautiful intentions more exuberantly!Please know I appreciate all you do and would love to help.Thanks,nicole dennis


Vložil affordable car insurance Toledo OH (bez ověření), 10. Červen 2018 - 8:58

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