AOC na veletrhu IFA - nové LCD televizory a monitory

vydáno 31. 8. 2010 | autor AOC | sekce Tiskové zprávy | téma 3D, Televizory, Monitory | 8234 komentářů

Tagy: 3D, Addara, AOC, IceDrop, IFA 2010, LCD, LED, monitor, Prava, televizor

AOC - logo

Společnost AOC uvede na přední světové přehlídce spotřební elektroniky a domácích spotřebičů – veletrh IFA 2010 (3.-8. září) – řadu nových produktů svých divizí zaměřených na televizory a monitory.


Své ambice v sektoru televizorů dokazuje společnost AOC mnoha novými a atraktivními modely. V souladu s hlavním trendem současnosti představí své první modely televizorů 3D. První televizory s plochou obrazovkou a bezdrátovými přenosovými kapacitami slibují vyšší flexibilitu a volnost.

Širší veřejnosti se představí všechny tři výrobní řady televizorů – Addara, Prava a IceDrop. Posledně jmenovaná řada představuje mimořádně štíhlé LCD televizory s LED podsvícením a vysokými úrovněmi kontrastu a jasu, které se využitím 200 Hz technologie zařazují do prémiového sektoru.

LCD LED televizor AOC řady IceDrop

LCD Monitory

Na veletrhu IFA budou mít premiéru mimořádně štíhlé modely LCD s hloubkou pouhých 1,29 cm, LED podsvícením a apartním bílým provedením.

Vícedotykové přístroje umožňují vzrušující formu interakce a vzhledem k jejich speciálnímu provedení by měly být středem zájmu uživatelů notebooků. Uživatelé, kteří chtějí přizpůsobit vzhled monitoru vlastnímu stylu, mohou využít výhod nových monitorů s výběrem designových fólií.

Skutečný význam společnosti AOC si uvědomíte při pohledu na monitor, jehož úhlopříčka měří téměř 70 cm (27"). Každý, kdo chce čelit nástrahám každodenního života, by měl vsadit na některý z nových monitorů s ochranným sklem, které se dokonale hodí pro veřejný sektor nebo rodiny s malými dětmi.

Stánek společnosti AOC najdete v hale 27 pod číslem 160.

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Vložil non owners auto insurance quotes Oroville CA (bez ověření), 16. Květen 2018 - 8:34

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Great review! I have been waiting to read this…its on my wish list but I think I need to just go ahead and buy it…it sounds too good. I haven’t read anything else by her, either.


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Que bons, sònia! no ho sabia això que els gofres de lieja fossin més compactes. De fet, jo només em pensava que n’hi havia d’una mena, tret d’aquells que fan en forma de galeta… els waffels? Que em tornen boja… he he. Petonet i bon cap de setmana!


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Que bons, sònia! no ho sabia això que els gofres de lieja fossin més compactes. De fet, jo només em pensava que n’hi havia d’una mena, tret d’aquells que fan en forma de galeta… els waffels? Que em tornen boja… he he. Petonet i bon cap de setmana!


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Ola doutorQuero que tire uma duvida,quando faço esforço fisico ou passo por algum processo de stress ou nervoso,sinto dores no peito esquerdo,isso pode estar relacionado com problemas cardiacos?


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Ola doutorQuero que tire uma duvida,quando faço esforço fisico ou passo por algum processo de stress ou nervoso,sinto dores no peito esquerdo,isso pode estar relacionado com problemas cardiacos?


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Youre right concerning this being the musical, although your cues tend to be so subtle concerning take in which distinction appropriate over your brain. I liked the delicious atmosphere this specific film envelopes a person in, from the actual music to the cinematography to the eclectic routines. It is considered one of their best films, although like wine, it ages better eventually.


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Youre right concerning this being the musical, although your cues tend to be so subtle concerning take in which distinction appropriate over your brain. I liked the delicious atmosphere this specific film envelopes a person in, from the actual music to the cinematography to the eclectic routines. It is considered one of their best films, although like wine, it ages better eventually.


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Love your book collection :)!And the wall carpet :)I think my Fav shot is the train shot.I love the light / dark combination.(Und ja, ich moechte auch gerne Jaeger erschiessen)


Vložil low income car insurance dmv Elk Grove CA (bez ověření), 16. Květen 2018 - 15:13

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Love your book collection :)!And the wall carpet :)I think my Fav shot is the train shot.I love the light / dark combination.(Und ja, ich moechte auch gerne Jaeger erschiessen)


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Hi Matt, sorry but this comment is slightly off target. I really love my choice for senate in the New Hampshire primary–Ovide Lamontagne–and I want to nominate him for Ten Buck Friday because he is trailing badly in financing with just two weeks to go before the primary. I went to the Right Klik blog but could not see how I am supposed to nominate him. Could you please fill me in. Thank you so much in advance!


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Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on God and what was in your heart. It was brave of you to risk it.I am looking forward to SR2 and yet I feel fear about it. I can already feel the excuses trying to make it to the surface of me and tell me that I can always do it later (for the reduced fee), or that it is not really something that I need. I am already worried that someone whose opinion I value will think that it is unimportant and I can feel the need to make it just mine and not blab to everyone (like I usually do) what I am doing and when.


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Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on God and what was in your heart. It was brave of you to risk it.I am looking forward to SR2 and yet I feel fear about it. I can already feel the excuses trying to make it to the surface of me and tell me that I can always do it later (for the reduced fee), or that it is not really something that I need. I am already worried that someone whose opinion I value will think that it is unimportant and I can feel the need to make it just mine and not blab to everyone (like I usually do) what I am doing and when.


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Vložil list of car insurances in Bourbonnais IL (bez ověření), 16. Květen 2018 - 20:48

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I know you're frustrated, but you will get better – a bit every day. Just keep listening to your body, rest when you need it, and one day you'll realize you can walk around without getting winded! It will happen, I promise.Hugs to you!


Vložil list of car insurances in Bourbonnais IL (bez ověření), 16. Květen 2018 - 20:48

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I know you're frustrated, but you will get better – a bit every day. Just keep listening to your body, rest when you need it, and one day you'll realize you can walk around without getting winded! It will happen, I promise.Hugs to you!


Vložil car insurance Bethlehem PA (bez ověření), 16. Květen 2018 - 21:24

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20 mai 2012SerjUnicul na inteleg, ce v-au facut rusii ca asa va simtiti suparati. In I razboi mondial cine a luptat pe fronturile voastre. In sec 19 cine au fost in temelia statului Romania luptind cu Turcia si Austria. Puteti sa fiti suparati pe noi moldoveni, ca nu vrem sa fim Romani, penru ca sunteti un stat agresiv fara istorie curajoasa. Ati fos PASALIC , nici denumirea tarii clara nu ati avut (ba MUNTENIA, ba VALAHIA). In MIORITA era un MOLDOVAN VRINCEAN si UNGUREAN (roman se ascundea?)  


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20 mai 2012SerjUnicul na inteleg, ce v-au facut rusii ca asa va simtiti suparati. In I razboi mondial cine a luptat pe fronturile voastre. In sec 19 cine au fost in temelia statului Romania luptind cu Turcia si Austria. Puteti sa fiti suparati pe noi moldoveni, ca nu vrem sa fim Romani, penru ca sunteti un stat agresiv fara istorie curajoasa. Ati fos PASALIC , nici denumirea tarii clara nu ati avut (ba MUNTENIA, ba VALAHIA). In MIORITA era un MOLDOVAN VRINCEAN si UNGUREAN (roman se ascundea?)  


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Ha, I love that so many of your readers feel the same way about Coldplay as you do. I mean, seriously, who on earth buys that turgid drivel! I saw QOTSA on TV after Beyonce whom, strangely enough for me, I really enjoyed. As Lauren Laverne asked „Is it OK to like both?“


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Ha, I love that so many of your readers feel the same way about Coldplay as you do. I mean, seriously, who on earth buys that turgid drivel! I saw QOTSA on TV after Beyonce whom, strangely enough for me, I really enjoyed. As Lauren Laverne asked „Is it OK to like both?“


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fantastiska trÃ¥dbilder, wow! har försökt Ã¥terskapa fisken pÃ¥ skärbrädan med johan, men den 80-talisten har inte gjort den som barn och den här 70-talisten har blivit senil sÃ¥ fisken kommer aldrig fram! ‚heil hitler‘ hos dig och ‚slut‘ hos mig, göteborg är fullt av vÃ¥rkänslor.


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fantastiska trÃ¥dbilder, wow! har försökt Ã¥terskapa fisken pÃ¥ skärbrädan med johan, men den 80-talisten har inte gjort den som barn och den här 70-talisten har blivit senil sÃ¥ fisken kommer aldrig fram! ‚heil hitler‘ hos dig och ‚slut‘ hos mig, göteborg är fullt av vÃ¥rkänslor.


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Ojo, me parece buena la iniciativa, pero noten una herejÃa que aparace del mismo documental, que por cierto no lo vi entero, pero justo di con este pastor que al parecer esta hablando bonito, 2:34 minutos alli se encuentra, dice que hubo creaciones preadanicas (entiendase personas de este mundo, que tocaban instrumentos) Segun la Biblia Adan fue el primer hombre de este mundo, y de eso no hay discusión. Bueno muchas gracias.


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Ojo, me parece buena la iniciativa, pero noten una herejÃa que aparace del mismo documental, que por cierto no lo vi entero, pero justo di con este pastor que al parecer esta hablando bonito, 2:34 minutos alli se encuentra, dice que hubo creaciones preadanicas (entiendase personas de este mundo, que tocaban instrumentos) Segun la Biblia Adan fue el primer hombre de este mundo, y de eso no hay discusión. Bueno muchas gracias.


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Heh. That and amalgam filling are basically self-destructing.They pull away from the tooth and allow the rot to get behind them after a few decades.Sport Pilot: Yup. Including heart disease. Dental caries bacteria has a bad habit of getting into the bloodstream and attacking artery walls in random places, causing clot build-ups.


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Few original ideas indeed, but with luck you do bump into the odd creative concept (probabilities similar to those for a complete sentence in a book from Borges's Library of Babel)Overwhelmingly, series of lemming races to follow the latest fads. The Peer Factor.


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Few original ideas indeed, but with luck you do bump into the odd creative concept (probabilities similar to those for a complete sentence in a book from Borges's Library of Babel)Overwhelmingly, series of lemming races to follow the latest fads. The Peer Factor.


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block na pala “VPN” kaya nag trabaho na ang mga contractor ng globe daming may free net d2 samin gamit ung globe na tower.. galing mag activate ng mga contractor… been using this for almost 5 years salamat sa mga contractor ng globe may glitch pa pala sila thanks globe… bilog ang mundo!!!!


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C’est une vraie question, beaucoup de gens ne veulent pas de publicité, mais ils ne veulent pas non plus payer ! Mais pourtant ils aiment bien profiter de ce qu’on met en ligne.Le Huffington post est pareil, à part que le Huf post lui en vit !


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C’est une vraie question, beaucoup de gens ne veulent pas de publicité, mais ils ne veulent pas non plus payer ! Mais pourtant ils aiment bien profiter de ce qu’on met en ligne.Le Huffington post est pareil, à part que le Huf post lui en vit !


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dreptate mariu…si eu lucrez la un mec, iar cei care vor sa lucreze…nu sunt decat niste mici sclavi care or sa intre in sistem…si eu ma simt un sclav (please smiley)…acum am draci…nu mai pot vb…mi-am adus aminte de locul de munk..krek ma duc sa demisionezzbye


Vložil car insurance Prairie Home MO (bez ověření), 17. Květen 2018 - 10:35

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We are a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with valuable information to work on. You’ve done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you.


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I genuinely like this angle that you have on the subject. Certainly wasn’t planning on this at the time I begun browsing for tips. Your ideas were totally simple to get. Im glad to find that there’s an person here that obviously understands precise what its is talking about.


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I genuinely like this angle that you have on the subject. Certainly wasn’t planning on this at the time I begun browsing for tips. Your ideas were totally simple to get. Im glad to find that there’s an person here that obviously understands precise what its is talking about.


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Letting people get to know you through your blogging is definitely a good thing. Being a Jack of All Trades in writing can still hurt though — people pay more in general for specialty knowledge; not for basic writing ability and folks who say they’re write about anything and everything. I’m curious. Do you write about tax and other financial issues? It’s a high paying niche and you clearly have expert knowledge in that area, so why not more emphasis on those blogs to attract a more lucrative client base? Just a thought.


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Letting people get to know you through your blogging is definitely a good thing. Being a Jack of All Trades in writing can still hurt though — people pay more in general for specialty knowledge; not for basic writing ability and folks who say they’re write about anything and everything. I’m curious. Do you write about tax and other financial issues? It’s a high paying niche and you clearly have expert knowledge in that area, so why not more emphasis on those blogs to attract a more lucrative client base? Just a thought.


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Swanton OH (bez ověření), 17. Květen 2018 - 11:52

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Hallo Klaus,sieht mir nach einer fehlenden geschweiften Klammer aus. Überprüfe noch ein Mal alle Klammern. Ansonsten kann ich Dir nur helfen, wenn Du ein paar Codeausschnitte postest.Viele GrüßeFelix