IFA 2010: Ultratenký 3D Blu-ray přehrávač Sharp BD-HP90S

vydáno 5. 9. 2010 | autor Sharp | sekce Tiskové zprávy | téma 3D, Přehrávače | 10878 komentářů

Tagy: 3D, 3D Blu-ray, Aquos, AQUOS Pure Mode, BD-HP90S, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, DLNA, HDMI, LAN, On-Screen Control Panel, přehrávač, Quattron, Sharp, YouTube

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Je to perfektní symbióza: Ve stejný okamžik, kdy byly uvedeny na trh LCD televize AQUOS s Quattron 3D technologii, představuje Sharp také svůj nový 3D Blu-ray přehrávač. BD-HP90S garantuje v obou režimech 2D a 3D tu nejlepší kvalitu obrazu LCD televizí Sharp. Svým ultratenkým AQUOS designem perfektně vizuálně doplňuje Sharp Home Cinema systém.

Vždy je na špici. Ať už leží naplocho nebo stojí vzpřímeně, podélně nebo bokem – nový 3D Blu-ray přehrávač Sharp BD-HP90S vypadá perfektně v každé pozici. Zákazník může umístit toto stylové špičkové zařízení do jakékoliv pozice na zeď či skříň. Se svým elegantním ultratenkým designem je tento nový člen AQUOS rodiny sám o sobě tahákem pro oči.

Nicméně hlavním účelem nového AQUOS 3D Blu-ray přehrávače je přinášet perfektní 3D zažítky uvnitř čtyř stěn vašeho domova, a to obzvláště v kombinaci s AQUOS LCD televizemi Sharp vybavených Quattron 3D technologií.

Ultratenký 3D Blu-ray přehrávač Sharp BD-HP90S

S novým AQUOS BD-HP90S přináší Sharp po diváky zcela nové vizuální možnosti. To platí jak pro jeho atraktivní vzhled, tak i pro jeho hlavní funkci přehrávače Blu-ray disků. Nový BD-HP90S přináší jako technologicky špičkové zařízení nádherný 3D a 2D obraz do vašich televizí a vytváří dokonalý celek obzvláště s LCD televizí Sharp AQUOS.

Bezdrátový: Další výhodou BD-HP90S je zabudovaná podpora bezdrátové síti LAN. Díky tomu si mohou divácí vytvořit bezdrátové propojení skrze DLNA k dalším zařízením v domácí síti a přenášet tak hudbu, fotografie a videa z počítače do televize. Jinou praktickou funkcí je schopnost přehrávat videa přímo z YouTube.

Internetové připojení má další výhodu: Umožňuje automatickou aktualizaci software Blu-ray přehrávače – takže každé vylepšení může být okamžitě automaticky naistalováno bez nutnosti postupovat při aktualizaci podle složitého návodu.

Kromě exkluzivního designu a výjimečného výkonu se BD-HP90S také velmi snadno ovládá. Díky nové funkci „On-Screen Control Panel“ mohou být základní funkce Blu-ray přehrávače Sharp ovládány přes menu na obrazovce prostřednictvím vhodného dálkového TV ovladače, dokonce i od jiných výrobců.

Skutečnost, že BD-HP90S našel perfektního partnera v LCD televizích Sharp AQUOS je zvlášť patrné při použití „AQUOS Pure Mode“ funkce. Po připojení Blu-ray přehrávače k LCD televizi Sharp AQUOS přes HDMI kabel BD‑HP90S automaticky optimalizuje nastavení pro přenos obrazu.

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If you would care to argue this with me, I am all ears, but you will have to shoot me a mail because, as it stands in the present period – thought swapping social networks don't yet exist. Think on it.


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If you would care to argue this with me, I am all ears, but you will have to shoot me a mail because, as it stands in the present period – thought swapping social networks don't yet exist. Think on it.


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Animals don’t judge us by our appearances! Why do we have to judge them? I heard many people at the shelter say they couldn’t take home a certain pet because they weren’t cute enough. But the dogs never complained that the humans walking through weren’t cute enough for them! GAR! Dumb people need to be walkin’ the plank!!


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Animals don’t judge us by our appearances! Why do we have to judge them? I heard many people at the shelter say they couldn’t take home a certain pet because they weren’t cute enough. But the dogs never complained that the humans walking through weren’t cute enough for them! GAR! Dumb people need to be walkin’ the plank!!


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Socorro!!! qm sulber me respomda por favor. Como inserir o cartao de memoria de uma camera,no notebook da philco,qnd insiro, ele fica um pedaço p/ fora e ñ le o cartao, e qnd enpuro ele totalmente ele fica preso e custa sair.


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I agree Melissa. However, now that social media seems to be a driving force in our networking capabilities, I also think people should be very selective in what they look to share with their “friends”!


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I agree Melissa. However, now that social media seems to be a driving force in our networking capabilities, I also think people should be very selective in what they look to share with their “friends”!


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Mi sono fidato di te e ho ordinato il cofanetto in dvd di tsukamoto. Non ho mai visto niente di lui. Tra massimo 5 giorni avrò il ragazzo del palo e i due tetsuo.


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So it seems it’s a particular type of bitter… Who knows which one among all these notes gives off the bitterness not to your taste (although I know blackcurrant note can be problematic for me sometimes).


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So it seems it’s a particular type of bitter… Who knows which one among all these notes gives off the bitterness not to your taste (although I know blackcurrant note can be problematic for me sometimes).


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asztsz пишет:Нормально все описал. Посмотрим что из этого выйдет. “Пример неудачного подбора: 9SEO.ru.”Отчего же неудачный?) Я достаточно быстро запомнил.А ты не определился сколько ты собираешься вложить денег в сайты?Или будешь вкладывать, пока не добьешься цели марафона?)VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)


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asztsz пишет:Нормально все описал. Посмотрим что из этого выйдет. “Пример неудачного подбора: 9SEO.ru.”Отчего же неудачный?) Я достаточно быстро запомнил.А ты не определился сколько ты собираешься вложить денег в сайты?Или будешь вкладывать, пока не добьешься цели марафона?)VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)


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Interesting! Seems all the office/studio buildings in Digbeth have a cafe now – The Bond, The Custard Factory, Fazeley and now Rhubarb. Will they all get enough business from tenants and visitors to keep them going is the big question, I suppose.


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Interesting! Seems all the office/studio buildings in Digbeth have a cafe now – The Bond, The Custard Factory, Fazeley and now Rhubarb. Will they all get enough business from tenants and visitors to keep them going is the big question, I suppose.


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Ce festival me parait très intéressant, je vais souvent en boite à Berlin, car c’est la capitale d’Europe pour le son électronique, mais ce festival à Barcelone me parait très bien et le prix me parait assez bas. Je pense peut être y aller.Merci pour ces informations


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the 1980s, the major cash crop in Uganda has been coffee, closely followed by tobacco, and then tea and cotton, although the ‘70s and ‘80s saw collapses


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the 1980s, the major cash crop in Uganda has been coffee, closely followed by tobacco, and then tea and cotton, although the ‘70s and ‘80s saw collapses


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Jeg besøker bloggen fordi jeg savner deg, og fordi den ekte Awin kommer sÃ¥ godt fram her. Praktisk, aktiv, flink til Ã¥ designe,lage ting, lage mat og skrive fine lange historier. Jeg liker alle innleggene dine men skulle gjerne sett flere innlegg om ting og mat du lager. Jeg liker ogsÃ¥ nÃ¥r du skriver om moteblader og trender. Legg ut litt om ekslusive merker sÃ¥ vi kan drømme oss bort alle sammen. Kanskje lage sÃ¥nn ekslusiv vs. budsjett version av antrekk. Klem


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eduardo disse:gente so uma pergunta:onde entra a embraer nisso? como e com que ela [embraer] fica caso o gripen venha a ganhar o fx2?MAS parabens a Ekaer pelo tarb. desempenhado,mostra que os eng brasileiros tem competencia e muita capcidade p/ fazer e fazer bem um bom e bem elaborado projeto;basta terem OPORTUNIDADE.


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Att kapitulera och ge upp är det enda som hjälper. Kämpar man emot kan man räkna med mer skit. tror jag. Ta det lugnt och ta hand om dig själv. Kram


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Randy, thanks for leaving your book markers so that we can look up your blog. A great read! I passed this onto my wall on Facebook as well. Look forward to getting to know you better through this blog as well as Church. Have a blessed week! Richard Ramirez


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Randy, thanks for leaving your book markers so that we can look up your blog. A great read! I passed this onto my wall on Facebook as well. Look forward to getting to know you better through this blog as well as Church. Have a blessed week! Richard Ramirez


Vložil car insurance (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 12:31

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And I wonder why you can’t back any of your claims.Where’s the 77%? Where’s the 23%? And what did Hillary do that makes her one of the best SoS’ we’ve had?I guess you can’t back up your mouth so you want to change the subject instead.Nice try!


Vložil car insurance (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 12:31

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And I wonder why you can’t back any of your claims.Where’s the 77%? Where’s the 23%? And what did Hillary do that makes her one of the best SoS’ we’ve had?I guess you can’t back up your mouth so you want to change the subject instead.Nice try!


Vložil cheap car insurance quotes Ponte Vedra Beach FL (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 13:27

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Walter is right. Once again they puff up and rebuff the most blatant attempts by the crooks in control, only to throw the taxpayers under the bus in the end. They are all pitiful, weak people that have only their self-interests at heart. Shame on them all.


Vložil cheap car insurance quotes Ponte Vedra Beach FL (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 13:27

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Walter is right. Once again they puff up and rebuff the most blatant attempts by the crooks in control, only to throw the taxpayers under the bus in the end. They are all pitiful, weak people that have only their self-interests at heart. Shame on them all.


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RE:  – Did you ever hear of the game show “Deal or No Deal,” which was based on a similar Italian show? While there are further complications to the show, basically the “banker” tries to buy off the contestant as cheap as possible. Some contestants take a very small sure thing rather than risk losing while playing for a potentially much big win.  – Rate this comment: 0  0


Vložil best auto insurance in Whittier CA (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 15:43

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RE:  – Did you ever hear of the game show “Deal or No Deal,” which was based on a similar Italian show? While there are further complications to the show, basically the “banker” tries to buy off the contestant as cheap as possible. Some contestants take a very small sure thing rather than risk losing while playing for a potentially much big win.  – Rate this comment: 0  0


Vložil average car insurance rates in Boise ID (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 16:19

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Katie’s room has such a fun, bohemian vibe to it – almost a Bloomsbury, Art Nouveau kind of feel. Love the play of color and texture and each element complements the next.xxooC + C


Vložil average car insurance rates in Boise ID (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 16:19

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Katie’s room has such a fun, bohemian vibe to it – almost a Bloomsbury, Art Nouveau kind of feel. Love the play of color and texture and each element complements the next.xxooC + C


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Ne ho visto la metà e poi ho dovuto interrompere. Finirò di vederlo questa sera.E' un film fantastico per una donna straordinaria.Lo farò vedere a scuola, come hai giustamnete consigliato di fare.Grazie ancora una volta.A presto!


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Ne ho visto la metà e poi ho dovuto interrompere. Finirò di vederlo questa sera.E' un film fantastico per una donna straordinaria.Lo farò vedere a scuola, come hai giustamnete consigliato di fare.Grazie ancora una volta.A presto!


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Heer Frank-109,Die blogkop met de reiger is mijn favoriet. Maar die die er nu op staat – Bibbeltje Bips languit in zijn persoonlijke stoeltje – mag w.m.b. (wat mij betreft) ook gerust blijven staan.Olijke groeten,De Drs.


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Heer Frank-109,Die blogkop met de reiger is mijn favoriet. Maar die die er nu op staat – Bibbeltje Bips languit in zijn persoonlijke stoeltje – mag w.m.b. (wat mij betreft) ook gerust blijven staan.Olijke groeten,De Drs.


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Hoi Asha,Dankjewel voor je complimenten! Leuk als je een link wilt plaatsen op jouw blog! Voor ons ook leerzaam om jouw Indiase recepten te lezen en uit te proberen!


Vložil auto acceptance insurance Fresno CA (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 19:58

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Hoi Asha,Dankjewel voor je complimenten! Leuk als je een link wilt plaatsen op jouw blog! Voor ons ook leerzaam om jouw Indiase recepten te lezen en uit te proberen!


Vložil auto insurance rates Grove City OH (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 20:08

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no I would definitely just go ask another till someone says yes.Maxie – Ah yes, I should have clarified that I was speaking in the context of retailing and service industries.Shopgirl – Yes, similar experiences to my own.Heli82 – Well I think that’s the point. They don’t care about the store making money they only care about being inconvenienced. But these are middle aged women who are more interested in chatting with the other women rather than doing work. I suppose they don’t get paid much though.


Vložil auto insurance rates Grove City OH (bez ověření), 27. Červen 2018 - 20:08

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no I would definitely just go ask another till someone says yes.Maxie – Ah yes, I should have clarified that I was speaking in the context of retailing and service industries.Shopgirl – Yes, similar experiences to my own.Heli82 – Well I think that’s the point. They don’t care about the store making money they only care about being inconvenienced. But these are middle aged women who are more interested in chatting with the other women rather than doing work. I suppose they don’t get paid much though.